JOVI the cat

I named Jovi when i was 4 or 5 i think.. we got her from the spca, she didn't do well with the other cats so she was hanging out in the office. my parents were desperate to get me to look at a cat who wasn't on the verge of kicking the bucket or missing an appendage, which seemed to be what i kept gravitating towards at the time. the name came to me in the car as we left, i was throwing out ideas like squiggles when i realised that jovi was black, brown and white. i remember thinking omg u know what else could be potentially black brown or white?? CRAYONS!! (except i called them jovis because that was the brand name of the ones we had at primary school.)

i didn't have a great track record for naming animals at that age, my go-to approach would be any thing that ended with "-y". my legendary crew of goldfish were called tommy, sammy, issy, and.. tom. those were pretty much all of the names i knew at the time, as i only knew the names of real people at my school.. suddenly i was hit with a stroke of pure fucking genius, like im talking divine inspiration, and decided to name my last fish "lommy". mum quickly urged me to try to come up with something that doesn't end with y, so i firmly decided on "lom"

in loving memory of lom's child - holly, most likely eaten by jovi
(fish pictured is not actually holly lol)

Jovi is basically the best thing to ever happen to me and i feel extremely happy whenever i look at her and she purrs very loudly when i am near her and it is so awesome :)